September 2012 Pennsylvania Regular Rated Top 100 Ages 50 & Over
Rank | Name | Age | Rating
1 | Meyers, CIM Jerald | 56 | 2349
2 | Dehmelt, FM Karl | 55 | 2297
3 | Dunne, FM Alex | 70 | 2280
4 | Leverett, Bruce W | 60 | 2263
5 | Martinak, Tom M | 55 | 2222
6 | Shahade, FM Michael | 65 | 2210
7 | Fielding, Paul T | 61 | 2207
8 | Nolan, Gregory M | 57 | 2202
9 | Bury, Michael James | 62 | 2202
10 | Magar, Thomas P | 58 | 2200
11 | Hughes, William M | 64 | 2200
12 | Panetta, Terry D | 55 | 2200
13 | Fayvinov, Zakhar | 80 | 2200
14 | Frank, Marty C | 50 | 2172
15 | Samimi, Sohrab | 61 | 2144
16 | Post, Evan A | 54 | 2128
17 | Pumarejo, Christopher O | 53 | 2093
18 | Booth, James R | 56 | 2060
19 | Mongilutz, Jack | 59 | 2059
20 | Moore, Johnson S | 54 | 2058
21 | Wallnau, Kurt C | 54 | 2056
22 | Schneider, Craig W | 54 | 2048
23 | Renk, Robert M | 55 | 2047
24 | Chong, Edmund | 55 | 2035
25 | Miller, David C | 64 | 2034
26 | Carswell, Herbert A Jr | 52 | 2010
27 | Atwell, Robert C | 53 | 2008
28 | Cox, Michael K | 59 | 2006
29 | Leach, Charlie K | 55 | 1984
30 | Shutt, Stephen D | 70 | 1928
31 | Stanley, Lee J | 62 | 1917
32 | Rubright, Gary W | 55 | 1913
33 | Yaure, Christopher H | 51 | 1912
34 | Ostrosky, Tom D | 54 | 1912
35 | Pariseau, Richard J | 71 | 1904
36 | Raush, Ronald L | 56 | 1903
37 | Schreiber, Jeffrey A | 54 | 1900
38 | Osipovich, Alexander | 67 | 1900
39 | Mitchell, Richard C | 53 | 1897
40 | Doktorski, Henry | 56 | 1897
41 | Bello, Joseph E Sr | 59 | 1896
42 | Sporko, Bernard | 50 | 1879
43 | Ladson, Preston N | 62 | 1868
44 | Harry, Richard L | 56 | 1867
45 | Prokhov, Vassil K | 77 | 1848
46 | Looman, David C | 61 | 1845
47 | Walker, Patrick J | 54 | 1843
48 | Thompson, Bruce A Sr | 59 | 1842
49 | Overlie, Finn E | 67 | 1837
50 | Replogle, Harry H Jr | 62 | 1831
51 | Jackson, Frank William | 57 | 1828
52 | Phillips, Jonathan T | 55 | 1806
53 | Sukiennik, Leopold J | 76 | 1802
54 | Leonards, Robert A | 82 | 1800
55 | Cintron, Rafael L | 83 | 1800
56 | Pierson, Kenneth L Jr | 58 | 1800
57 | Reinert, Daniel E | 64 | 1796
58 | Schragin, Jeffrey G | 55 | 1789
59 | Graham, Robert E | 51 | 1785
60 | Thomasco, Terry F | 66 | 1783
61 | Davis, Bruce R Sr | 55 | 1773
62 | Duerig, Paul R | 52 | 1753
63 | Smith, Duane R | 54 | 1751
64 | Joline, James T | 72 | 1750
65 | Noone, Larry R | 56 | 1745
66 | Brandt, Eric L | 54 | 1743
67 | Cox, Bruce M | 54 | 1733
68 | Quiring, Donald K | 68 | 1731
69 | Kostyak, Michael | 58 | 1731
70 | Hoskavich, Jeffry L | 52 | 1723
71 | Yeager, Dorian P | 63 | 1715
72 | Sears, Randall N | 56 | 1712
73 | Caliguire, John J | 54 | 1711
74 | Koplitz, Michael H | 54 | 1708
75 | Schmidt, Winsor C | 92 | 1700
76 | Kramer, Curtis E | 55 | 1700
77 | Kirk, Daniel Elmer | 63 | 1700
78 | Geisler, John A | 60 | 1693
79 | Rodgers, Ronald C | 62 | 1681
80 | Szurek, James E | 63 | 1667
81 | Parker, Jay K | 58 | 1661
82 | Mattis, Joseph A Jr | 52 | 1656
83 | Eikerenkoetter, Dr Roy C | 80 | 1654
84 | Snyder, Edward H | 65 | 1652
85 | Kennedy, Joseph J | 78 | 1652
86 | Xu, Xiaojun | 50 | 1633
87 | Melodini, Daniel L | 54 | 1628
88 | Jones, Lawrence P | 67 | 1627
89 | Holden, Richard D | 68 | 1620
90 | Schuh, Russell G | 73 | 1611
91 | Carabello, Natal J | 67 | 1601
92 | Brown, Glenn | 58 | 1600
93 | Washington, Willie | 67 | 1600
94 | Patterson, Jim | 65 | 1600
95 | Mathews, Robert J | 64 | 1593
96 | Jones, Winn Jr | 67 | 1573
97 | Weber, Joe S | 55 | 1557
98 | Morris, William J | 64 | 1553
99 | Cox, Paul H | 72 | 1552
100 | Milisits, Robert A | 60 | 1552
Players with established ratings
who were active in the last 365 days.
Ages as of September 1, 2012.
Ratings include the September 2012 supplement.
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Last Revised: October 3, 2012
Maintained By: Tom Martinak
Send Comments To: Pennsylvania State Chess Federation (PSCF)