September 2022 Pennsylvania Quick Rated Top 100
Rank | Name | Rating
1 | Shabalov, GM Alexander | 2597
2 | Bartell, IM Thomas | 2410
3 | Smith, GM Bryan G | 2409
4 | Khmelnitsky, IM Igor N | 2403
5 | Shahade, Gregory | 2398
6 | Garcia, Erick G | 2256
7 | Itkin, David | 2253
8 | Petesch, FM Gabriel N | 2248
9 | Minear, Peter R | 2237
10 | Yang, Christopher X | 2224
11 | Heimann, Alexander C | 2207
12 | Rogers, FM Norman | 2202
13 | Park, Evan S | 2181
14 | Busygin, Stanislav | 2179
15 | O'Brien, Matthew J | 2163
16 | Leverett, Bruce W | 2156
17 | Dehmelt, FM Karl | 2150
18 | Frank, Marty C | 2140
19 | Girsh, Daniel | 2139
20 | Bury, Michael James | 2135
21 | Prasanna, Gracy F | 2135
22 | Chabris, Christopher F | 2122
23 | Nolan, Gregory M | 2117
24 | Thomforde-Toates, Noah H | 2115
25 | Faust, Jeffrey S | 2106
26 | Scalzo, Antonio R | 2098
27 | Martinak, Tom M | 2085
28 | Reed, Boyd M | 2080
29 | Romero, Michael D | 2070
30 | Henry, Gregory A | 2055
31 | Carl, Kevin J | 2055
32 | Santo, Kevin M | 2047
33 | Kis, Lorand Bela | 2040
34 | Goldovsky, Roman A | 2033
35 | Mamikonyan, David | 2008
36 | Feliachi, Nabil | 2004
37 | Pumarejo, Christopher O | 2000
38 | Narkeeran, Madhavan | 1969
39 | Ozbek, Melih | 1965
40 | Brown, Richard P | 1964
41 | Reilly, Daniel C | 1964
42 | Wang, Alex | 1957
43 | Mc Laughlin, Steven J Jr | 1952
44 | Giannaras, Christopher | 1947
45 | Miller, David C | 1945
46 | Wang, Shawn L | 1944
47 | Funk, Eric A | 1941
48 | Johnson, Eric C | 1940
49 | Chen, Franklin M | 1936
50 | Opaska, Michael P | 1935
51 | Li, Kevin Z | 1932
52 | Gist, Robert | 1931
53 | Hennard, Todd | 1931
54 | Kleinfeld, Jonathan J | 1931
55 | Serota, Adam H | 1913
56 | Jackson, Peter | 1911
57 | Wallnau, Kurt C | 1909
58 | Mays, Shelly | 1908
59 | Dean, Edward T | 1906
60 | Moore, Johnson S | 1900
61 | Mucerino, Joseph J Jr | 1900
62 | Clark, Michael A | 1897
63 | Oberholtzer, Neal W | 1893
64 | Xu, Jonathan | 1891
65 | Brightman, Joseph M | 1888
66 | Thompson, Zachary P | 1877
67 | Pugh, Lawrence B | 1873
68 | Xu, Noah L | 1873
69 | Dunkerley, Dennis | 1871
70 | Dubnoff, Micah S | 1870
71 | Hallinan, Michael J Jr | 1867
72 | Thompson, Donald A | 1862
73 | Tang, Vincent | 1862
74 | Wray, Laverne L | 1853
75 | Yaure, Christopher H | 1851
76 | Baluk, Dennis M | 1848
77 | Mc Kenney, Edward W | 1837
78 | Jegan, Alan | 1836
79 | Larsen, James E | 1831
80 | Horan, Kenneth R | 1831
81 | Martello, Mathew M | 1830
82 | Yaskolko, Maxim | 1825
83 | Thanakit, Isara | 1820
84 | Duggan, Brian M | 1810
85 | Goli, Sriman S | 1807
86 | Luo, Wesley C | 1806
87 | Anderson, Kenneth C | 1802
88 | Stokes, Ronald C | 1798
89 | Sporko, Bernard | 1797
90 | Lewis, Gary W | 1793
91 | Mark, Eric R | 1789
92 | Feng, Andrew T | 1785
93 | Kosinetz, Daniel | 1782
94 | Jovanovic, Sasa | 1779
95 | Cencetti, Arthur | 1777
96 | Henninger, Austin | 1773
97 | Cao, Timothy X | 1771
98 | Flaherty, James M | 1770
99 | Kollipara, Advaith | 1768
100 | Painter, Jacob D | 1758
Players with established ratings
who were active in the last 365 days.
Ratings include the September 2022 supplement.
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Last Revised: October 1, 2022
Maintained By: Tom Martinak
Send Comments To: Pennsylvania State Chess Federation (PSCF)