Rank | Name | Age | Rating |
1 | Yang, Aimee | 8 | 1745 |
2 | Muthu, Kamatchi | 9 | 1423 |
3 | Mo, Faye F | 11 | 1220 |
4 | Ayithi, Yashaswini | 8 | 1169 |
5 | Sadhu Venkata, Vahini | 11 | 946 |
6 | Catelli, Anastasia | 12 | 935 |
7 | Ulis, Isabel | 12 | 917 |
8 | Ai, Ruoming | 10 | 871 |
9 | Ryerson, Olivia | 10 | 816 |
10 | Zhang, Vivian | 10 | 654 |
11 | Ready, Isabella | 10 | 619 |
12 | Goldovsky, Kristina | 10 | 568 |
13 | Konda, Ratna | 10 | 521 |
Players with established ratings
who were active in the last 365 days. Ages as of September 1, 2022. Ratings include the September 2022 supplement. |