May 2010 Pennsylvania Regular Rated Top 100 Ages 17 & 18
Rank | Name | Age | Rating
1 | Heimann, Mark A | 17 | 2432
2 | Heimann, Alexander C | 17 | 2366
3 | Melekhina, WFM Alisa | 18 | 2320
4 | Petesch, Gabriel N | 18 | 2250
5 | Bowman, Joshua A | 18 | 2153
6 | Turner, Adonis | 17 | 2036
7 | Mc Laughlin, Steven J Jr | 18 | 2031
8 | Fisher, Benjamin E | 17 | 1847
9 | Francus, Michael | 18 | 1820
10 | Smyth, Julian D | 18 | 1811
11 | Fagliano, Joel A | 17 | 1754
12 | Donohoe, David J | 17 | 1700
13 | Jin, Shinan | 17 | 1699
14 | Cameron, Kyle B | 17 | 1678
15 | Guo, Eric | 17 | 1621
16 | Liu, Robert | 18 | 1615
17 | Belkin, Alex | 18 | 1598
18 | Weida, Peter T | 17 | 1573
19 | Bautista, Ceasar | 17 | 1549
20 | Henninger, Austin | 17 | 1526
21 | Bannwart, Carl R | 18 | 1512
22 | Snyder, James A | 18 | 1482
23 | Mehta, Himalaya | 17 | 1456
24 | Diver, Kevin P | 18 | 1441
25 | Myers, Grant | 17 | 1424
26 | Bechis, Dennison | 18 | 1417
27 | Korfiatis, Pierre | 18 | 1399
28 | Stern, Scott W | 17 | 1394
29 | Stern, Eric W | 17 | 1392
30 | Naser, Jonathan | 17 | 1389
31 | Moritz, Christopher D | 17 | 1386
32 | Mitchell, Shawn M | 17 | 1376
33 | Clement, James | 18 | 1373
34 | Menzies, Andrew J | 17 | 1372
35 | Trinidad, Joshua D | 18 | 1370
36 | Lama, Sijan | 17 | 1361
37 | Maga, Justin | 18 | 1358
38 | Sokol, Mason C | 17 | 1342
39 | Davis, Erika | 18 | 1341
40 | Berthoud, Kent | 18 | 1320
41 | Isakov, Sultan | 17 | 1309
42 | Ruan, Lunaris | 17 | 1293
43 | Saunders, Matthew | 18 | 1284
44 | Porcelli, Michael | 17 | 1283
45 | Thomas, Andrew M | 17 | 1276
46 | Lambore, Rohan | 17 | 1261
47 | Peters, Benjamin M | 17 | 1260
48 | Malissa, Joel D | 17 | 1247
49 | Raddi, Frank W | 18 | 1234
50 | Upsey, Anthony | 18 | 1227
51 | Marin, Nikita | 17 | 1214
52 | Conroy, Nathaniel J | 17 | 1211
53 | Spinosi, Nicholas A | 17 | 1206
54 | Mullen, Steven | 18 | 1191
55 | Li, Zhenan | 17 | 1163
56 | Mattern, Neil H | 17 | 1151
57 | Mingione, Calvin W | 18 | 1149
58 | Ruggiero, Dylan A | 17 | 1149
59 | Nguyen, Anh Tuan | 17 | 1147
60 | Lu, Wen Chao | 18 | 1120
61 | Berman, Matthew H | 18 | 1109
62 | Verdi, Christopher | 18 | 1079
63 | Fu, Walter P | 18 | 1068
64 | Goulart, William | 17 | 1066
65 | Redenbaugh, Timmy Z | 18 | 1063
66 | Escudero, Cesar | 18 | 1059
67 | De Jesus, Cruz | 17 | 1052
68 | Lin, Shan W | 17 | 1025
69 | Sapp, Timothy | 17 | 1025
70 | Kee-Redmond, Kylil | 18 | 1016
71 | Wyatt, Tristan J | 17 | 973
72 | Weis, Christopher M | 17 | 970
73 | Wentzel, Genesis R | 18 | 955
74 | Hoffman, Matthew J | 17 | 948
75 | Benton, Khyrie | 18 | 928
76 | Benson, Andrew C | 18 | 911
77 | Dolly, Jackson E | 18 | 882
78 | Blocker, David M | 17 | 683
79 | Rynard, Tony D | 18 | 663
80 | Parks, John E | 18 | 659
81 | Doe, Marcus | 17 | 654
82 | Jones, Ramir | 17 | 598
83 | Tomasetti, Michael F | 17 | 594
84 | Birnhak, David C | 17 | 553
85 | Emlet, Kyle J | 17 | 246
Players with established ratings
who were active in the last 365 days.
Ages as of May 1, 2010.
Ratings include the May 2010 supplement.
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Last Revised: June 4, 2010
Maintained By: Tom Martinak
Send Comments To: Pennsylvania State Chess Federation (PSCF)