May 2010 Pennsylvania Regular Rated Top 100 Girls Under Age 16
Rank | Name | Age | Rating
1 | Regam, Jessica S | 13 | 1872
2 | Priore, Ashley | 10 | 1322
3 | Kleinfeld, Linda K | 15 | 1321
4 | Moolten, Shira S | 10 | 1301
5 | Priore, Claire | 12 | 1276
6 | Zhang, Victoria Y | 14 | 1204
7 | Conroy, Elizabeth M | 14 | 1019
8 | Hoffman, Maria E | 15 | 1007
9 | Senthil, Swathi | 8 | 997
10 | Majeske, Devi | 13 | 974
11 | Carley, Arianna N | 15 | 973
12 | Neiva, Isabel | 13 | 925
13 | Loboda, Katherine | 14 | 852
14 | Leibowitz, Ellen | 13 | 824
15 | Friedman, Sanjana | 10 | 822
16 | Gaines, Ellana | 14 | 810
17 | Marconi, Abigail | 11 | 803
18 | Karabucak, Defne | 12 | 787
19 | Loomis, Zoe M | 11 | 759
20 | Woods, Ayannah | 12 | 759
21 | Mc Laughlin, Sonya | 13 | 732
22 | Ashby, Jacqueline | 14 | 713
23 | Myers, Chazlee | 13 | 708
24 | Lee, Sylvie | 12 | 683
25 | Camp, Lishay | 14 | 683
26 | Samanthapudi, Keerthana | 12 | 676
27 | Zhou, Margaret | 12 | 659
28 | Hallman, Ana | 10 | 648
29 | Montes, Lucia | 15 | 630
30 | Yang, Allison X | 9 | 626
31 | Loudon, Lainey | 14 | 611
32 | Mbogo, Victoria | 11 | 581
33 | Rorer, Zanae D | 11 | 561
34 | Sivakumar, Anishaa | 11 | 459
35 | Brown, Zayonna | 10 | 358
36 | Ouyang, Amy | 9 | 357
37 | Morris, Nicole | 10 | 346
38 | Gutsin, Lisa | 12 | 334
39 | Hutton, Casey | 13 | 320
40 | Bullock, Tytianna | 11 | 300
41 | Pannell, Khannifah | 9 | 294
42 | Womack, Ukyra | 11 | 284
43 | Wilder, Shakeeta | 13 | 261
44 | De Michele, Siarra | 10 | 245
45 | Cugini, Mary | 12 | 244
46 | Rynard, Emilee | 12 | 202
47 | Guido, Ekleana M | 15 | 198
48 | Spence, Merryn E | 14 | 159
49 | Colyer, Madison | 10 | 141
50 | Holmquist, Madison A | 8 | 127
Players with established ratings
who were active in the last 365 days.
Ages as of May 1, 2010.
Ratings include the May 2010 supplement.
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Last Revised: June 4, 2010
Maintained By: Tom Martinak
Send Comments To: Pennsylvania State Chess Federation (PSCF)